Comptroller Mendoza claims Illinois paying its bills but needs more federal bailout to avoid a big one JANUARY 4, 2022 | WIREPOINTS
Federal cash for Illinois is vastly more than commonly reported -- $138 billion and counting JUNE 30, 2021 | WIREPOINTS
Pop quiz: Name the three whoppers by Pritzker, Harmon and Welch contained in these two sentences they wrote APRIL 16, 2021 | WIREPOINTS
Pure genius: Illinois Treasurer Frerichs takes money from charities to make grants to charities – Quicktake FEBRUARY 1, 2021 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Wondering what Chicago’s current cash situation is? Good luck finding anything MARCH 20, 2020 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Global warming was blamed for evaporating the Great Lakes, now blamed for high water in Chicago’s ‘climate emergency’ FEBRUARY 13, 2020 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Why nobody but bond buyers should like Chicago’s latest deal JANUARY 21, 2020 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Illinois hit by record $47 billion loss, ignored by regular media. Why? SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
To bar lawsuit over bond issuance, Illinois court defies law’s most fundamental principle SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Got a problem with a certain hedge fund trying to profit by invalidating certain Illinois bonds? AUGUST 19, 2019 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Lawmakers moving towards raising property taxes to fund affordable housing JULY 23, 2019 | WIREPOINTS ILLINOIS NEWS
Why some Illinois Republicans are making the wrong argument against a progressive income tax MAY 20, 2019 | WIREPOINTS