Truth in Accounting's most recent Financial State of the States, which came out on October 3, 2024, shows that only three of the current seven swing states had a Taxpayer SurplusTM according to their Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs) for 2023. All the swing states had a Taxpayer BurdenTM between 2014 and 2020. The states that switched from having a burden to having a surplus were Georgia, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. The other four swing states--Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania--maintained their burden status at least through 2022. Two states, Arizona and Nevada, did not release their financial statements in time to be included in our report.
Truth in Accounting believes truthful accounting is the key for citizens, legislators, and the press to understand government finances. To be knowledgeable participants in our democracy, citizens need accurate and complete financial information. We inform voters about their states' fiscal management to help them make informed decisions at the ballot box.