Expenditures Per Pupil, Instruction

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Latest Data: 2021
Release Timing: May
Frequency: Annual
Contact: Patrick Keaton, (202) 502-7386

Instruction expenditures per pupil is the total of instructional expenditures divided by the fall membership as reported in the state finance file. According to the NCES, "current instruction expenditures include expenditures for activities related to the interaction between teachers and students, including salaries and benefits for teachers and teacher aides, textbooks, supplies, and purchased services. These expenditures also include expenditures relating to extracurricular and co-curricular activities." Under the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, the Director of IES is required to report biennially to the President, the Secretary of Education, Congress and the public on the activities of the IES Centers. 

Source:  Annual Survey of School System Finances. Table 8.  Per Pupil Amounts for Current Spending of Public Elementary-Secondary School Systems by State: Fiscal Year