Aurora, CO

TIA Data

2022 Financial State of Aurora (Released 2/15/2024)

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Aurora owns more than it owes.
Aurora's Taxpayer Surplus™ is $2,400, and it received a "B" from TIA.
Aurora is a Sunshine City with enough assets to cover its debt.
Decisions by elected officials have created a Taxpayer Surplus™, which is each taxpayer's share of money available after city bills have been paid.
TIA's Taxpayer Surplus™ measurement incorporates all assets and liabilities, including retirement obligations.
Aurora has $957.4 million of assets available to pay the state's bills totaling $613.7 million.
Aurora has $343.7 million available after bills have been paid, which breaks down to $2,400 per taxpayer.
Aurora's reported net position is understated by $32.7 million, largely because the city defers recognizing gains resulting from decreases in retirement liabilities.
The city's financial report was released 181 days after its fiscal year end, which is considered untimely according to the 180 day standard.

Prior Years' TIA Data

2021 Financial State of Aurora

2020 Financial State of Aurora

2019 Financial State of Aurora

2018 Financial State of Aurora

2017 Financial State of Aurora

2016 Financial State of Aurora

Other Resources

Aurora Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

Publishing Entity: Aurora City Finance and Budget